
Friday, February 15, 2013

Live a healthy life with BANANA!

Banana looks like a very simple fruit, but did you know it gives a lot of advantage to the people who eat it? Although it is a tropical fruit, it can be found all over the world. The smooth texture of ripe banana making it so much loved by everybody. Eat banana everyday to gain its benefit such as

  1. Cardiovascular protection
    Banana rich in potassium which responsible for normal blood pressure. Potassium also is important in maintaining normal liver function. The content of potassium in banana helps in reducing the risk of hypertension and artherosclerosis.

  2. Repairs bone
    Banana contains fructooligosaccharides which helps in calcium reabsorption in bone, thus make the bone stronger.

  3. Helps in releasing stress
    It contains tryptophan which will be converted into serotonin in the body. Serotonin causes someone to feel more relax and peaceful an thus brings to cheerful feelings.

  4. Neutralizing blood sugar level
    Bananas are high in Vitamin B6 which can neutralise the sugar level in blood.

  5. Help cures anemia
    The iron in bananas helps in formation/activity of haemoglobin in blood thus helps the people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia.

  6. Digestion
    Bananas are high in fibers which stabilize the function of intestines. This also will prevent constipation.

  7. Relieve heartburn
    the feeling of heartburn can be relieved by eating banana as they give the effect of anti-acid naturally.

  8. Others
    • good in treating ulcer
    • can treat many skin disease