
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Simple way to release stress

People stress of many things. Women, as they have their own cycle, this will affect their hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalance also will lead to stress. People who stressed out will find that everything they do seems like not right, so they will find the mistakes of their own self or other people. Stress will lead into depression which is one of women psychologic problem. Before your stress brings into depression, lets practic some easy way to release your stress.

1. Get some rest and do some leisure activity

  • go out and have some walk at the garden, etc.
  • fill up your time with your hobby or doing active sports to have some fun
  • express your feeling by your own style such as drawing and writing
  • exercise
  • hear to your favourite music
  • share your feelings with your bestfriend or family members 
  • practice meditation
  • use warm water to take a bath as this can reduce your tense

2. Diet
  • no need to eat so many food to overcome your stress
  • take a balanced diet as usual
  • consume vitamin B complex  to control your depression
  • take extra vegetables and fruits
  • drink warm tea to calm your feelings

3. Spiritual and thinking
  • change your thoughts of some issue to be more positive
  • directly ask for explanation from the people that you have doubt on them
  • forget all the disappointment and keep thinking of wonderful memories
  • do not make any important decision so that you may not worsen the situation
  • cry to express your sadness and then laugh to cheer up your day
  • do the things that can make you feel calm
  • slow down some activity such as work to have some rest
  • don't forget to keep praying and asking for help from God.