
Friday, February 22, 2013

How to have an active mind!!

What makes human so special when compared to other creation is that human being is granted with brain and mind which gives the human the ability to think. But then, some people just cannot use their mind wisely, or maybe they just don't know the proper way to use it, or maybe they are slow thinker by which they cannot think actively. Thus they start making irrational action. Active way of thinking is so important especially for student, but some students are just too tired and stress, making the learning activity to slow down. Here are some ways for you to practice so that you can have an active mind and rational way of thinking.


  1. Get enough sleep
    Enough sleep during the night can helps our memory to function as information storage. Body need rest so that this action can occur. Tiredness will only disturb the action of saving all the memories.

  2. Exercise
    Excercise can relax the muscles hence returns the blood to the brain. This is good for strengthen the memory.

  3. Control your stress and pressure
    Pressure, tension and other problematic issues will only reduce your concentration on study.
  4. Avoid depression. 
    This will make the students to be less sensitive about the people and event  around them.

  5. Be careful with vitamin or other supplements
    Refer to medical practitioner before you consume any pill which is said t be good for your memories and what not. Do not simply buy it at the counter as it may leave other side effects.

  6. Monitor the medication intake (if necessary)
    Some medication might weaken the memories, thus you must always speak to your doctor before taking any medicine. 

  7. Read a lot!
    Reading can widen your knowledge, and strengthens the memories. While you are reading, try to remember the key point or the sinopsis of your reading material.

  8. Do something new
    Activate your mind by learning new things from televisions, classes or talk show.

Eat and get your stress relieved

Some people tend to eat as much as they can whenever they are in stress mode. They are actually does not know the proper way to manage their stress. This problem can lead to obesity which will later give you more and more stress. There are actually some food that can helps in stress relieve.


  1. Blueberries
    The important content in blueberries is vitamin C which known as potent stress buster. Plus, blueberries also contain antioxidant and low in calories. So you can eat a lot of blueberries without worrying of gaining weight.

  2. Beef
    Although beef contains saturated fat which is bad for your diet, you can choose the region that contain less fat such as the parts that are labelled as 'loin' or 'round'. The iron, vitamin B and and zinc can help to chill you out.

  3. Milk
    It contains vitamin B2 and B12 and also antioxidants which is believed to destroy the free radicals which causes stress. Milk also can call you down, a glass of warm milk will help you to fall into a deep sleep.

  4. Almonds 
    Almonds rich in vitamin B2 and magnesium which involve in the production of serotonin (important chemical which regulate stress and emotion). It also contains zinc which can fight the negative effects of stress, while vitamin E is an antioxidant which kills the free radicals.

  5. Fish
    Fishes are rich in vitamin Bs, especially B12. B12 is as many knows it helps in serotonin production which regulates the emotion by giving 'happy' feeling to a person. B12 deficiency may lead to depression.
Basically, you have to choose the appropriate food when you noticed your not in a good mood. Don't simply eat everything that you love just to give yourself some satisfaction. Choose the food that high in vitamin B12, magnesium and so on but beware of the calories too. :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Live a healthy life with BANANA!

Banana looks like a very simple fruit, but did you know it gives a lot of advantage to the people who eat it? Although it is a tropical fruit, it can be found all over the world. The smooth texture of ripe banana making it so much loved by everybody. Eat banana everyday to gain its benefit such as

  1. Cardiovascular protection
    Banana rich in potassium which responsible for normal blood pressure. Potassium also is important in maintaining normal liver function. The content of potassium in banana helps in reducing the risk of hypertension and artherosclerosis.

  2. Repairs bone
    Banana contains fructooligosaccharides which helps in calcium reabsorption in bone, thus make the bone stronger.

  3. Helps in releasing stress
    It contains tryptophan which will be converted into serotonin in the body. Serotonin causes someone to feel more relax and peaceful an thus brings to cheerful feelings.

  4. Neutralizing blood sugar level
    Bananas are high in Vitamin B6 which can neutralise the sugar level in blood.

  5. Help cures anemia
    The iron in bananas helps in formation/activity of haemoglobin in blood thus helps the people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia.

  6. Digestion
    Bananas are high in fibers which stabilize the function of intestines. This also will prevent constipation.

  7. Relieve heartburn
    the feeling of heartburn can be relieved by eating banana as they give the effect of anti-acid naturally.

  8. Others
    • good in treating ulcer
    • can treat many skin disease 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Behaviour that makes you UGLY

There are some attitudes that will make you lost your beautiful skin appearance, and sometimes will affect your health condition. These things are sometimes have been daily routine for some of us without knowing that it is bad. What are the behaviors? Lets check it out!

  1. Unbalanced diet
    Food intake which is high in cholestrol and oily food can lead to acne and other problem such as obesity and heart disease. To look good and beautiful, make sure you control your diet not only for beautiful body but for good health status.

  2. Irregular sleeping time
    To look beautiful and to have radiant skin, make sure that you have enough sleep and manage your sleep so that it is well organized. Irregular and lack of sleep will give you 'eyebag' below your eyes and makes your skin looks dull.

  3. Frowning the eyes
    Some people like to frown their eyes whenever they want to focus at a distant object or when they are reading. This is not good as when you frowning your eyes and your skin, this will make your face to easily get wrinkles.

  4. Keep changing skincare products unnecessarily
    Women are easily influenced by the advertisements in television, magazines and newspaper. When their friends talk about any new products, they will have the desire to try that products. So every time when new skincare and cosmetics products come out, they will change to that particular product even though the product that they have been use is good enough for them. This is not a good thing as they are making their body like experimental things. Different person has different effects on a product. If the product you are using give bad effects on you, then only you have to change to other products. Don't damage your skin by keep changing products unnecessarily.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tips to stop smoking

Some women keep smoking because they want to lose weight. Even after they manage to get ideal body weight, they still continue smoking because they are afraid of their weight might increase suddenly after stop smoking. Although smoking can reduced our body weight, but it is an unhealthy way to lose weight, as it will lead to other problems. So, lets stop smoking starting from now!! Here are some tips for you to stop smoking.

how to stop smoking

  1. Have a good planning on quit smoking, for example, choose a certain day to start doing it.

  2. Throw away all your ashtrays, cigarettes and lighters that you have in your house.

  3. When you stop smoking, there will be the desire to have something in your mouth, so you may replace the cigarette with raw vegetables such as carrot stick, celery, fruits or even chewing gum.

  4. If you are afraid of gaining weight after stop smoking, get yourself exercised. Participate in aerobics, dancing class or just go to the gym to work out.

  5. Join the community which gives support to the ex-smokers such as any club for women ex-smokers,forum or facebook groups as you may share your problems here and get helped by the other members.

  6. You can alternative method such as patch, and medication over the counter which can reduce the desire to smoking.

  7. Consult your physician for a better explanation and any additional methods which are available by prescription.

Why it is good to sleep early

We are recommended to sleep for 7 to 8 hours per day. Sometimes it is hard to get enough hour of sleeping especially for students. With all the assignments and exam, many of them stay up late at night or even did not sleep for the whole night. This is actually a bad habit. It is good if you could practice to sleep early and wake up early in the morning. The benefit of sleep early during night time are:


  1. Reduced body weight
    You can control your body weight by sleep early. People who sleep late at night will tend to feel hungry. As they eat during the time which is not suitable to eat (late at night) , the calories will be kept in your body.Eating during late night also makes you delay your breakfast intake tomorrow morning. As a result your energy will decrease, leading you to eat more during the day. So, stay slim by sleep early!

  2. Easy to sleep
    People who sleep early will find that it is easy to get sleep and will have satisfaction in their sleeping when compared to people who sleep late. people who always sleep late night and irregular sleeping time tend to get insomnia. And when they are accidently awake, they will find out that it is hard for them to continue sleeping.

  3. More productive during the day
    When you sleep early, you will wake up fresh in the morning with full energy to get ready for the whole day.

  4. Healthy heart
    People who sleep after midnight will get their blood vessels hardened (Research by researchers in Misao Health Clinic in Gifu, Japan). For your information, hardening of blood vessels i s the early symptoms of heart disease.

  5. More energetic
    People who are forced to sleep during the day for example who works during the night shifts, these kind of people are not really adapt to their sleeping style. When they sleep during the day, they can fall into deep sleep for only two to three hours. As they did not get enough sleep and rest, they will feel tired fo the whole day and night.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Simple way to release stress

People stress of many things. Women, as they have their own cycle, this will affect their hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalance also will lead to stress. People who stressed out will find that everything they do seems like not right, so they will find the mistakes of their own self or other people. Stress will lead into depression which is one of women psychologic problem. Before your stress brings into depression, lets practic some easy way to release your stress.

1. Get some rest and do some leisure activity

  • go out and have some walk at the garden, etc.
  • fill up your time with your hobby or doing active sports to have some fun
  • express your feeling by your own style such as drawing and writing
  • exercise
  • hear to your favourite music
  • share your feelings with your bestfriend or family members 
  • practice meditation
  • use warm water to take a bath as this can reduce your tense

2. Diet
  • no need to eat so many food to overcome your stress
  • take a balanced diet as usual
  • consume vitamin B complex  to control your depression
  • take extra vegetables and fruits
  • drink warm tea to calm your feelings

3. Spiritual and thinking
  • change your thoughts of some issue to be more positive
  • directly ask for explanation from the people that you have doubt on them
  • forget all the disappointment and keep thinking of wonderful memories
  • do not make any important decision so that you may not worsen the situation
  • cry to express your sadness and then laugh to cheer up your day
  • do the things that can make you feel calm
  • slow down some activity such as work to have some rest
  • don't forget to keep praying and asking for help from God.

Why women are strongly prohibited from smoking?

While many campaigns are held to educate people to stop smoking, we can see that nowadays many female teenagers are eager to try smoking without realizing the long term effects. Smoking is very harmful as there are many effects that we cannot see physically in a short time period especially for women.


If you are taking oral contraceptive/ medication for birth control

  • smoking can increase the risk to cardiovascular diseases such as strokes, heart attack and blood clotting.

If you are pregnant
  • chemicals from tobacco will be passed to the fetus and this will lead to preterm delivery, low birth weight, premature rupture of membrane, placenta previa, and even could lead to miscarriage and neonatal death.
  • after birth, the child would have ear aches, respiratory problem and they will be more cold than the child whose mother did not smoking.

  • infertility
  • cancer
  • pelvic inflammatory disease
  • early menopause if you start smoking as early during teenagers
  • menstrual problem such as abnormal bleeding, absence of periods
  • vaginal discharge and infection
  • increase risk of bone loss and osteoporosis 5-10% more than non smokers when they reach menopause
  • smoking lead to development of cervical cancer
  • increase risk of breast cancer by 75% especially for women who smokes more than two packs a day
  • increase risk of developing vulvar cancer
Smoking is dangerous no matter you are a man or women. It is not only harmful for yourself who smokes, but it also will affect other people who inhale the smoke, and who receive the harmful substances from the smoke. Don't you feel guilty to all those non-smokers who are suffering because of you such as the children, your unborn baby and people around you? So come on, stop smoking, save lives and save the environment!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Build self confidence

Self confidence is feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your own wits. Your perception of yourself will give impact on how others perceive you. The more self confidence you have, the more possibility you'll succeed.

Build your self confidence now!

1. Taking care of your personal appearance.
  • Bathing and shaving frequently , wearing clean and smart clothes to make others like you. 
2. Walk faster
  • People with confidence walk quickly. They have places to go, people to see and important work to do.
self confidence , confident ,be confident

3. Good posture
  • Stand up straight , keep your head up, and make eye contact. You'll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert an empowered.
4. Compliment other people
  • Avoid to engage in backstabbing gossip and make an effort compliment those around you.
5. Speak up
  • During group discussions many people never speak up because they are afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you will become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

Tips for healthy eyes

Having a good eyesight and bright eyes is a precious gift. Like our body, eyes also need to be treated so that our eyes will keep healthy and beautiful. Not only body, eyes also need exercise and nutrients. In this entry, we will provide you the proper way of eye exercise and the diet that can helps to keep our eyes healthy.

Eye Exercise

  1. Take some times to blink your eyes as fast as you can.
  2. Close your eyes tightly and hold it for sometimes and then open it. Do this for 5 times.
  3. Roll your eyeball in clockwise and anticlockwise direction for 5 times.
  4. Look as far as possible while you are walking.
  5. Take a look at the advertisement board or any signboard and try to read it by focusing your eyes. You also may read any written materials from a far place.
Diet that is good for eyes
for eyes
  1. Milk
  2. Carrot
  3. Egg
  4. Apricots
  5. Black-currant
  6. Berries
  7. Collard Green
  8. Cold-water fish
  9. Grapefruits
  10. Lemon 
  11. Grapes
  12. Spinach
  13. Fish Oils

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Eat! and get radiant skin

Want to know the secret of having radiant skin other than using cosmetics and facial cleanser? Lets enjoy these fruits, obtain their benefits and have a charming radiant skin!!
radiant skin

  1. Orange
    It contains vitamin C and collagen which improve skin texture, delay aging and helps in clearing skin blemish. Rub the fleshes to your skin and get tighten your skin. You also can make it as natural scrub by drying and make it into powder.

  2. Papaya
    Papaya rich in antioxidants. The enzyme papain in this fruits can kill cell death and repair skin impurities. You can have it by eating raw, make it into papaya milk to drink, or even applying the flesh on your skin.

  3. Banana
    Banana rich in nutrients. It has vitamin A, B and E which are anti-aging.You can have fresh mashed banana mask or facial on your face and give wonders to your skin. Iron, potassium  and magnesium inside it also can reduce menstrual cramp.

  4. Lemon
    Its vitamin C content will keep your skin beautiful. the astrigent properties of lemon helps in skin lightening and diminishing skin scars. Rub the inside of a lemon peel on your elbow to remove dark spots. Mixture of lemon and honey can be use as a natural bleach on your skin.

  5. Apple
    It has antioxidant properties which prevents cell damage. The elastin and collagen inside the apple also can keep the skin young. A mixture of mashed apple, honey, rose water and oatmeal can be a good exfoliating mask on your skin.

  6. Mango
    It rich in vitamin A and antioxidant which fights the skin aging and regenerates the skin cells. Furthermore, it can restore the elasticity of your skin.

Hardly lose weight??

Did you ever noticed that you can hardly reduce your weight even though you have cut off the amount of food during lunch, dinner, etc? Well these are some reasons why you fail to lose weight. These things should be avoided if you really want your 'losing weight mission' to be successful.

  1. Consuming salty food for snacking. Salty food is like drugs which can make you to take it again and again without realizing that you actually have taken a huge amount of it. So, reduce your salt intake to lose weight!

  2. Eating while watching the televisions. This habit will make you consume more calories without using it.

  3. Sleep right after having a heavy meal. This also will waste the calories, as a result, there will be fats everywhere in your body.

  4. Skipping meal (usually breakfast). When you skip a meal, this will make you to eat more during the next meal or you might also be having more meals as your appetite will increase.

  5. Quick eating habit. When you eat quickly, means you can finish all the food in a short time. This will make you feel full faster and brings you to have other food.

    Stop all these habit so that you can lose weight easily.

Say 'NO' to bad breath

Is there any time that your friend avoid to speak closely to you or they look uneasy whenever you are talking to them? Or dis you ever realize that sometimes you feel like you are giving out unpleasant smell when you are talking? It means, you are having bad breath. Bad breath really gives bad impression towards you and it also might makes you lose confident when you are giving a speech.

Here are some ways to be practiced so that we will have no more bad breath

  1. Practice proper brushing and flossing technique to prevent any food to stick at your teeth.
  2. Brush your tongue to get rid off the bacteria in your mouth.
  3. Clean your mouth after taking food such as garlic, onion, and other food that give bad smell of breath when you eat it.
  4. Drink enough amount of water. Lack of water will make our mouth dry and thus lead to bad breath.
  5. Use mouthwashes.
  6. Stop smoking.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tips for proper diet to lose weight.

Women and diets are like bestfriend. Many women out there practicing their own diet. But sometimes their diet are just too extreme until some of them might cut off the intake of food which supplies important nutrients which is necessary for their body. These are some guidelines by which you can diet without expose your stomach to starvation.

  1. Drink a lot of plain water (at least 8 glasses a day). If you want to cut the amount of food you eat, you may drink a glass(or more) plain water at least 30 minutes before you eat.

  2. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Same as plain water, fruits are best taken before you eat other food so that when you will feel full faster, and this will limits the food you take.

  3. Control your sugar. Don't take too much sweet foods. You also can cut off the intake of carbonated drinks which contains a huge amount of sugar.

  4. Desire or necessity. Whenever you want to eat, think whether the amount off food you take is based on your desire or yo necessity. If your stomach is already full or half full, you can reduced the amount of food or even not taking food at all after you feel fool. If you know that on that particular say you have many works that need energy to do, you can take extra food, but make sure that you use all the energy supplied by the food. Do not waste it by sleep after eating!!!

  5. Calories. Caloric in food plays the main role in diet not the number of food only. So spent some times to calculate the amount of caloric in your food.

  6. Do not eat at night. Eat before 8.00pm, and if you feel hungry after that time, you may take biscuits with tea or chocolate drinks.

  7. Never ever let yourself starving! Starvation will slow down the metabolism of you body, hence this will slowdown the process of fat burning in your body.

  8. Exercise is the most important thing if you really want to lose weight,not only by control your diet, but it has to come together with exercise. You can also go to gym, enter a dancing class and what not as these ways are more enjoyable
Last but not least, don't simply take slimming pills to lose weight. Or if you really want to do so, you have to consult to a medical practitioner first, that's the best way.

5 food for beautiful skin

Our skin is actually depend on our diets. We are what we eat. To get beautiful skin , we must eat the food that contains all components that is needed by our skin. Here we have top 5 food for beautiful skin. Let's check this out!

1. Seafood - smooth , clear and glowing skin

2. Citrus fruits - Smooth and taut skin

beautiful skin

3. Red and Green vegetables - Bright and smooth skin

4. Nuts - Young and soft skin

5. Whole grains - Clear and moist skin

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stop crossing your legs!

You think crossing your legs makes you look sexy? Well starting from now,  try not to cross your leg if you really love your health. This is because, crossing leg will harm your body by several ways
crossing legs is harmful

  1. It will restrict the blood flow and causing poor circulation of blood. As a result, you may feel muscle cramp of your leg, tingling sensation,numbness and pain.
  2. Lack of circulation also will cause varicose veins.
  3. Crossing legs causing increase heart burden.
  4. It puts pressure on your spine and hip which will results on backache and will give effects obn body posture.

Sun Block

Do you know that basking in the sun will cause skin burns? So , you are encouraged to apply sun block  on exposed parts of your body, for example face , hand and leg.

Sun Protecting Factor , sun block

Before that , please note the amount of SPF / Sun Protecting Factor that stated on the label. Your skin will be protected if the chosen sun block contains vitamin C , or E, because these vitamins are antioxidants and prevent skin peeling which is caused by sunlight.

Usually sun block that contain 'UVA/UVB filter' or SPF less than 15 is categorize as sunscreen or cream. Besides , sun block that contain SPF more that 15 will protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Do's and Don'ts for healthy nails

To keep your fingernails looking their best , follow these simple guidelines :

Do :

1. Keep your fingernails dry and clean.
This prevents bacteria , fungi and other organisms from growing under your fingernails.

2. Trim your fingernails regularly.
Use a sharp manicure scissors or clippers.

3. Use moisturizer
When you use lotion , rub the lotion into your fingernails and cuticles.

bleeding around the nails , basic fingernail care , fingernails healthy and strong , nail have problem , prevent nail damage, keep your fingernails looking their best , Do's and Don'ts for healthy nails

Don't :

1. Abuse your nails
To prevent nail damage , don't use your nails as tools to pick , poke or pry things.

2. Ignore problem
If your nail have problem for example: it change colors , bleeding around the nails , please see your doctor. The problem maybe the signs or symptoms to a disease.

It's easy to neglect your nails but there's much you can do to keep your fingernails healthy and strong. Start with basic fingernail care.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stay gorgeous at the age of 30s

Every year, you will get older. For women, when you are about to reached 30, you can feel some changes in your body, for example dry skin, backache and so on. This changes will get worse as you menopause. There's some ways for you to follow in order to maintain your body and appearance and stay young at this age!!

1. Control your food! DON'T eat too much food which contains high cholesterol level, but do take a lot of fibers,fruits and vegetables.

2. Prevent yourself from over dehydrated! Don't expose too much to sunrise as it rays can make your skin looks darker, and even lead to skin dryness. You can also use moisturizer which can keeps your skin moisture ( do check whether that moisturizer is suitable for your skin type or not ).

3. Never ever stop EXERCISING. As you get older, your risk of getting many diseases will also rise. To prevent it, keep your active lifestyle, at least do some light exercise after you wake up in the morning and stay healthy like youngsters.

prevent dehydration , active lifestyle , stay healthy like youngsters , stay healthy ,
4. Drinks a lot of water. This is the other alternative to prevent dehydration, thus to keep your skin healthy.

5. Don't put too much make-up on your face. Please don't put too much foundation and dark coloured lipstick. This will make you look more older than you are!

6. Vitamin supplement. If you can hardly get a balanced diet (usually housewives) , you can take vitamin supplement to stay healthy and recover what your body is deficient of.

7. Lastly, control your emotion. Always be positive and have fun with your family and loved one. This can boost up your confident and throw away your stress.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Why you have to say 'NO' to obesity!

Being obese means that your Body Mass Index(BMI) is more than 30 (according to World Health Organisation). Majority women in the world are scared of being obese, so they restricted many of their favorite foods so that they would not turn to be a 'fat girl' . Well these are the reasons why are they scared if they are getting fatter.

  • i'll lost my beauty if i'm fat
  • my husband/boyfriend will leave me because i'm not attractive anymore
  • i cannot wear modern and latest fashion
  • my friend would never want to hang out with me anymore like "hello, nobody want to be friends with a fat girl"
  • my colleagues will make fun of me, that will lower my confident
  • everybody will laugh at me

Out of all the reasons of not being obese, there's not so many woman aware of their health, they only put their appearance as the most important thing. That is why some would simply take slimming pills without doctor's permission and as a result, they will get other problems as a side effect of the pills. Women all over the world should really know the problem that will arise if their body weight is beyond the normal range. By this, they can develop their own discipline in  controlling their diet  as early during teenagers. 

There are some diseases which will haunt you if you are in this obese group,for example:
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer ( breast cancer risk increase in obese women with high cholesterol level ).
  • Congestive heart failure.
  • Pulmonary embolism which can lead to myocardial infarction and death.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome, which lead to infertility.
  • Urinary incontinence, which lead o weak urinary bladder and inability to control urine.
  • Fatty liver.
  • Gastro-eosophagal reflux.
  • Cellulitis.
So, woman all around the world, don't let this diseases be your friends. Watch out your cholesterol level, be healthy,be active an be beautiful all way along your life. Start calculate your BMI today!!

click to enlarge

Hair care tips for teen

We'll provide some useful hair-care tips in this article :

1. Identify your hair type
  • maybe it is curly , coarse , thin , frizzy or straight.
  • the way of keeping the hair depends on our hair type.
2. Don't wash your hair every time you get shower.
  • wash your hair every two days.
  • washing hair to often will cause your scalp oily.
  • it also will lead to brittle hair.
hair care , penjagaan rambut , rambut rosak , cara penjagaan rambut

3. Choose shampoo and conditioner that appropriate to your hair.
  • Shampoo for scalp and conditioner for hair.
4. Don't use your nail to massage your scalp, use finger !
  • Scalp is sensitive and your nails will cause pain to you scalp.

The dangers of high heels

Millions of women nowadays love to wear high heels. They seem happy to wear high heels and not aware about the effects of wearing high heels. Even sometimes they get pain while they walking by wearing high heel , they are not tired to wear it again.

High heels increase the risk of ankle injured
  • The higher the high heel , the higher the risk.

High heels give effects on legs and knees
  • High heels cause the tendon to shorten significantly.
  • If the tendon can't do their work , the lower leg must take over the work and this can lead to injury.

effect of stiletto , the dangers of high heels , high heels style

It also effects hips and back
  • High heels cause the pelvis to rotate forward , increasing the curve of the lower back and forcing the buttock out.
  • It leads to a host back problem.
Safety tips :
  1. Limit the wearing of high heels.
  2. Choose a wedges style over a stiletto style heels.
High heels can cause serious damage. So save your stiletto and choose appropriate shoes style!

Keep Fresh During Menstruation

Menstruation,menses or period is a normal cycle of all women. As it will give a 'visit' to us every month, we should practice some proper way so that we still can enjoy our active lifestyle during our period. Here are some ways to keep fresh and healthy during your menstruation.

1. Take your bath regularly as during menstruation you need to give extra care of your body odour.

2. Use hot/warm water to bath. It can reduce that 'uneasy' feeling and it reduces cramping as well. This can make you feel comfortable and more relax.
3.  Control your diet by:

  • reduce the intake of  caffeine,sugar,cold water and carbonated drinks.
  • drink a lot of plain water, fruit juices and herbal tea, this can avoid constipation during menses.
  • do not take fishy food.
  • eat a lot of protein, soy and tofu.
  • take calcium pills or vitamin C to reduce mood swing.

4. Change your sanitary towels or tampons at regular interval. If you use tampon, it is recommended that you change it every 4-8 hours, while 3-4 hours for sanitary towels/pad.

 5. Put a bottle/bag of hot water on your abdomen to reduce cramping (poultice). You can also take some medication if this does not solve your problem, but make sure you seek for your doctor advice first.


6. Lastly, exercise regularly and have enough sleep.

Acne Skin Care

Here are some tips to clear acne as fast as possible :

1. Don't pop your pimples. It will lead your face to have scar and make your skin look ugly.

2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water help you to get rid all the impurities in the body. It also make your face clear and fresh.

3. Remove your make up before you go to sleep.

4. Select the appropriate facial cleanser. Avoid using facial cleanser that cause skin peeling.

acne skin care , beauty skin , clear acne , facial care tips , make face beauty , skin health , treatment for face

5. Avoid touching your face with your finger. Wash your hand before applying anything to your face. Bacteria present on your finger will spread and cause your face to become irritated.

6. Avoid eating junk food and greasy food. It may lead you to acne and oily skin.

7. Wash your face is essential. But don't wash it to often.